I Got That Wrong Podcast
One of the most difficult things to say and acknowledge is ‘I got that wrong!’. Join host Veronika Durham and her guests (or her monologue) to discuss, and laugh about what we got wrong and hopefully what we have learned so far. Veronika is Czech living in the UK, mum, stepmum and wife so yes, she got wrong a lot. She is a relationship therapist who uses the Gottman Method Couples Therapy in her work (she completed Level 1 and 2 Training in Gottman Method Couples Therapy and a self-study course Treating Affairs and Trauma).
P.S. This Podcast was previously called ‘The Step In Mum’.
When your kid says ‘I HATE YOU!!’
We say hate a lot – I hate this weather, spiders, and this and that. YET, we don’t like when kids say 'HATE' when they are disappointed, angry, raging or worried. If someone tells you I hate you, you either know very well what you have done to deserve this or you go,...
How Common Sense Parenting Helped Me To Be a More Peaceful Mum and Stepmum
If you're looking for an answer to the question of what is common sense parenting, then you're in the right place. Common sense parenting doesn’t focus on specific rules or styles. It’s you who is creating it. It’s making you stop, and think without overthinking....
When your cleaning habits are coming from guilt and shame.
Do you love or hate cleaning? Are you avoiding it or just doing it? What is your relationship with cleaning? Are you like me doing it mainly out of guilt and shame? In this episode, I share how my cleaning habits were born, creating the cleaning game to please my...
The Power Of Bedtime Stories with Brent Crandal – Opposititis: A Ridiculous Family Love Story
I had the absolute pleasure of talking to Brent about his new book Opposititis: A Ridiculous Family Love Story, the importance and power of bedtime stories, creating fun bedtimes, not calling children ‘shy’, blended family and even what is like to swim in PJ’s. Try...
This wasn’t easy to share – reflecting on 2023
Making this video podcast live makes my stomach turn around. I was feeling down after having a very good day, I didn't want to do any recording but here I am. My husband pushed me to film a video, and he said to me: say some inspiring s*it. He gave me two minutes to...
Feng Shui for Beginners with Patricia Lohan
I thought I knew something about Feng Shui, but I was wrong. I'm so glad that Patricia came to the podcast and explained the basics of Feng Shui and how to start with it. Since our chat, I cleared up the attic, donated a lot of stuff, and had a pile of toys to sell....
Terrible Twos & Teenagers – Here is what I think, and how I talk to them
I feel like toddlers and teenagers are sometimes very similar and there are reasons why. In this week's episode, I talk about why I don't use 'terrible twos' and make excuses 'She's just a teenager'. I found a way to talk to them calmly (99% of the time), and...
I Was Hiding For Too Long and Here Is Why
I've been in and out here, on social media and in my life. I just wanted to get a few things out of my chest before being here again. Thank you for your support! Love, Veronika x IG https://www.instagram.com/step.in.mum/ FB https://www.facebook.com/step.in.mum/...
How To Start a Difficult Conversation
It took me days, weeks or months to have a difficult conversation. It was ridiculous! Here is one of my favourite tools on how to start talking. Follow me on IG https://www.instagram.com/step.in.mum/ FB https://www.facebook.com/step.in.mum/ Youtube:...
Silent Treatment vs I can’t talk to you right now – Argue Better Ep. 2
Argue and communicate better series is here! In each episode of this series, I’ll talk about relationship advice we get and hear, why they don’t work, and what communication tool I would use. There is a massive difference between the silence treatment and 'I can't...
Stress Free Timer For Toddler – Getting out of the house and more
Leaving places, bedtime, and goodbyes can be stressful for parents and toddlers. Here is what I put in place to give us all peace and limit upsets. email me: hello@veronikadurham.com IG https://www.instagram.com/step.in.mum/ FB...
Boundaries and Grandparents
I'm visiting my parents with my little one for two weeks. A bit much? Yes and No! I've done a whole month before. Anyway, here are my five tips on how to have your boundaries in place with the grandparents. email me: hello@veronikadurham.com IG...
Go to Bed Angry – Argue Better ep 1
Argue and communicate better series is here! in each episode of this series, I'll talk about relationship advice we get and hear, why they don't work, and what communication tool I would use. Never going to bed angry is BS! Listen to why I think that and what tool I...
Blended Family and Finances
Being a stepparent shouldn't cost you your life savings! We give so much power and meanings to money but we also have the right to change our money game. email me: hello@veronikadurham.com IG https://www.instagram.com/step.in.mum/ FB...
Stop looking for closure
We don't need a closure from someone else, we need to get the closure within ourselves! In the past I believed I have to get one in order to move on, to forget and forgive. In this episode I share why I think the need for closure could be very hurtful and most of the...
Envy, Guilt, and Judgement
Each of these deserves its own episode but in this one, I'm explaining how these are linked and work together. I'm using examples from my motherhood, step mum jorney, doing TikTok videos, and recording my podcast/youtube. IG https://www.instagram.com/step.in.mum/ FB...
Breaking up with a friend
it can be more difficult than breaking up with a partner, not many people talk about breaking up with their friends. I've been on both sides and none of them are easy. In this episode, I share more about breaking up with a friend, trying to get closer, and much more....
Resentment in a happy marriage
You don't need a life-changing problem to feel resentful. In this episode, I'm sharing how I process resentment and use a recent 'incident' to explain it. I hope you like giraffes 🙂 IG https://www.instagram.com/step.in.mum/ FB https://www.facebook.com/step.in.mum/...
Sober Motherhood
I'm sober for two years and eight months and saved over £4000! Being sober was the only option for me. I don't label myself as an alcoholic but here is why I'm sober, my triggers, struggles, and pros of sobriety. I'm sober app: https://iamsober.com/ Follow me on IG...
Blended Family & Holidays
Maybe the summer holidays are the hardest school holidays to manage, organise, survive and enjoy. Maybe it is not that bad, but I sometimes struggle when it comes to having my stepdaughter for more than just a weekend. Don’t take me wrong she is a brilliant kid, it’s...
Mum Rage
Mum rage is common but not normal! Here I'm sharing what I have learned about mum rage so far, how do I deal with it and how do I try to prevent it or at least manage it. I hope this episode will helps someone. Follow me https://www.instagram.com/step.in.mum/...
We Deserve to Thrive – Joanne, Starra Education
Listen to Joanne and me talking about how being mums changed our mindsets and business. We shared how hard is to experience mum rage, trying to chase ‘back to normal and much more. We talked about Joanne’s complicated childhood, her relationship with her mum and her...
Sleep Deprivation & Motherhood with Maria Murphy – child sleep coach
I’m not even kidding, I wanted to punch (not in the face) my husband in the middle of the night when he was peacefully snoring while I was doing the night shifts. We had a deal that I’ll do them but being exhausted made me incredibly angry. I’m talking to a sleep...
Infertility & Being a Stepmum With Sarah @ukstepmum
Sarah teamed up with The Stepmum collective and launched the petition - Stop denying women fertility treatment because their partner already has a child from a previous relationship! #MyFertilityMatters They would greatly appreciate it if you could please sign this...
Anne-Laurie Forbes – Plus HER – A Stepmom’s Journey
I love having guests on my podcast! In this week episode, I'm talking to a stepmum Anne-Laurie Forbes about her journey and what inspired her to start her own podcast 'Plus HER - A Stepmom’s Journey'. Anne-Laurie shares her biggest lessons, tips and we had to laugh so...
Mums in Business & Time Management With Kirsty Kayn – Her Happy Life Academy
In my first interview with Kirsty ‘Mums in business’ we talked about being a mum and starting or already running your own business. Kirsty shared the story behind starting her own business Her happy life academy and much more. In this week episode, we focused on time...
Screen & Bedtime with Parenting Coach Isobel Mary Champion
Two BIG topics these days! Screen time and bedtime can cause a lot of stress in any family that's why I invented parenting coach Isobel Mary Champion to talk about how to create a healthy balance & relationship with 'screens' and how to make bedtime as peaceful...
Stepmum what are you scared of?
I asked you on IG what are you scared of when it comes to your blended family and got some interesting answers I'm addressing in this week episode. Also, I talk about three main things we are scared of as stepmums - Making mistakes - Upsetting...
Stepmum & Pregnancy
With no so long before the baby boy hopefully safely arrives I would like to share with you my pregnancy journey as a stepmum. I'm talking about my triggers, why I hate the bio mum label, how my stepdaughter reacted to the news and what how we deal with...
Masculine & Feminine Energy With Kirsty Kayn – Her Happy Life Academy
KIRSTY IS BACK!!! Kirsty is a badass business coach and founder of Her Happy Life Academy! She helps mums make 4-Figure WEEKS their new normal as high performing women in business. After our first episode we did a few months back we decided to talk more about...
I've made so many mistakes as a new stepmum and I see other stepmums still making these mistakes and it's absolutely normal as being a stepmum is a learning roller coaster. But we need to learn from our mistakes and even better learn from the mistakes others did so we...
Sex & Relationship Education with Beckie – What’s the debate?
Sex and relationship education can be very tricky for parents and stepparent. When do we start talking to the kids about it? What am I going to say if I don't know the answer? What if my partner and I have different opinions on sex education? Am I allowed to talk to...
Resentment – 5 Steps to let it go!
Resentment is like taking poison and waiting for the other person to die! This may sound like a total cliché but that is exactly what resentment is! You are effectively giving control of your feelings to others. Plus, they don’t even know about it! Isn’t this the...
Mums in Business with Kirsty Kayn – Her Happy Life Academy
In this week week episode I'm talking to Kirsty Kayn, founder Her happy life academy. Kirsty's mission is to guide mums to build an incredible business online while supporting them on the quest to self discovery + reaching their highest level of happiness. We had a...
How To Get The Ex Out Of Your Head
Every single stepmum struggle with this! I've never heard a stepmum to say ‘I don’t think of his ex at all’. We let the ex to take a big part of our minds and here are my tips on how I went from having her in my head 24/7 (plus in very toxic way) to occasionally...
Build and Preserve Healthy Boundaries For Yourself
In this week episode I'm talking about how and why I created healthy boundaries for myself. I explain what boundaries are, how we create them, what basic type of boundaries we have and how they impact us and our relationships. I share with you how you can restore...
My 5 Favourite Communication Tips & Tools
During the lockdown, you might spend more time with your partner than usually and it may be challenging. I often hear stepmums and my clients saying 'Every time we get into an argument he tells me - You don't love my children!' It's like a slap in the face,...
Karalee Katsambanis – Step Parenting with Purpose everything you wanted to know but you were too afraid to ask
In this week episode, I'm talking to Karalee Katsambanis, the author of Step Parenting with Purpose everything you wanted to know but you were too afraid to ask. 15 years ago Karalee did but couldn’t find a book which tackled the real nitty-gritty and...
Being a Stepmum With Jane
In this week episode, I talk to Jane, founder of Support Our Stepmums. SOS is a private IG account that supports and celebrate our Stepmum. We chat about our experiences, stepmum meltdowns and what was the reason behind creating Support Our Stepmums. I...
Real Stuff & People with Megan
In this week episode, I did my very first interview with a single mum! I met Megan on her Instagram Sober Story after I decided to go sober in December 2019. Megan is a great guest to have and talk to! She is honest, doesn't hold back and is happy to share her...
Boundaries, tantrums, rules, respect and lying
I might need to do a few follow up episodes on this one as it’s such a big topic. I’m sharing my story, experiences and tools on how to deal with all of these. I’ll definitely do an episode on boundaries in relationships with adults soon as you've been...
Real Stuff & People with Gavin
I couldn’t ask for a better first guest on my podcast! Gavin is a dad and stepdad living here in the UK. We could talk for hours, well we kind of did, about getting a divorce, starting over as a single dad and blending two families with his girlfriend Amy. They are a...
Stepmum burnout and guilt
Ok, this is a long one, but I could talk about stepmum burnout and guilt for hours. People say ‘Just step back’ but this is easier said than done. I share my story, tips, tools, personal and professional experience on how to limit stepmum burnouts and get rid of...
Being the second wife
When things got serious with Mr K he was still in the process of divorcing his ex-wife so the second wife stigma began hitting me hard and lasted for some time. I never thought I’d marry a guy who was married before and who had a child. I couldn’t stop thinking...
Bad Habits part one
The first episode of 2020 and I'm not holding back! Are you ready for an honest and raw conversation about our bad habits? BTW this episode is for everyone not only for stepmums. The bad habits that made part one are: - labelling/diagnosing/calling people xyz -...
Purpose, Vision, Goals & Actions
This week I share tips, tools, when I went wrong when it comes to motivation and setting my goals and what works for me. learn about: - effectively reflect on the current year - how to plan the next year and many more - motivation, vision boards or to-do lists...
Christmas vs Stepmum
Welcome to the first episode where I share a few stories, tips and tools from her eBook 'How to not to survive Christmas' IG @step.in.mum Book a complimentary session HERE