I Was Hiding For Too Long and Here Is Why

I’ve been in and out here, on social media and in my life. I just wanted to get a few things out of my chest before being here again. Thank you for your support! Love, Veronika x IG https://www.instagram.com/step.in.mum/ FB https://www.facebook.com/step.in.mum/...

How To Start a Difficult Conversation

It took me days, weeks or months to have a difficult conversation. It was ridiculous! Here is one of my favourite tools on how to start talking. Follow me on IG https://www.instagram.com/step.in.mum/ FB https://www.facebook.com/step.in.mum/ Youtube:...

Boundaries and Grandparents

I’m visiting my parents with my little one for two weeks. A bit much? Yes and No! I’ve done a whole month before. Anyway, here are my five tips on how to have your boundaries in place with the grandparents. email me: hello@veronikadurham.com IG...